Our partner, friend, wife of the late writer Magsud Ibragimbekov, Anna, shared her appeal with us.Share it too if you want
Director of the Center for Creativity Maksud Ibragimbekova Anna Ibragimbekova sent a letter to UNESCO, United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), Amnesty International USA, Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, United States Environmental Protection Agency and other major international organizations calling on them to condemn vandalism and aggression Armenia reports Trend Life
Ladies and gentlemen, Once upon a time, thirty-eight years ago, having married a wonderful man, the people’s writer of Azerbaijan Maksud Ibragimbayov, I moved to Azerbaijan, and this country became a real home and second homeland for me. This region accepted me as one of its own, and I had the opportunity to personally see how tolerant the Azerbaijani people are, how open and peaceful they are
And now, like any caring person, I want to convey to you the truth about what is happening in my homeland.
It is impossible not to feel pain at the sight of forests burning, nature dying, or cultural monuments being destroyed. But the pain is even more terrible and unbearable when it is accompanied by the death of people, broken destinies, and bitter maternal tears. However, unfortunately, we, the residents of Azerbaijan, have been forced to see all this for about three decades now… And in recent months, the savagery of this situation has intensified so much, and the overall picture has become so monstrous that I do not want and cannot remain silent. I just don’t have the right.We are talking about the Azerbaijani cultural heritage and the unique ecosystem of Karabakh, which became victims of Armenian aggression. They have been systematically destroyed for almost thirty years, since Nagorno-Karabakh and the seven adjacent regions of Azerbaijan were occupied by Armenia. Hundreds of cultural, historical and architectural monuments, ancient manuscripts, valuable artifacts, with which Karabakh and, in particular, the city of Shusha, known as one of the cradles of Azerbaijani music and literature, are so rich – all of this was completely destroyed or irreparably damaged.
But, despite all this, we firmly believe that Shusha will bloom again, great music and joyful children’s laughter will sound in it again…It would take a very long time to list the damage caused to Karabakh and surrounding areas during the years of occupation. And this harm continues to be caused even now, when Armenia leaves the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. Not to mention how many innocent civilians were killed or injured during the brutal night shelling of the Azerbaijani cities of Ganja and Barda.
Looking at this, I, like most of my compatriots, hope only for justice – that the world will see everything in its true light, and you will react to what is happening accordingly, will not allow this lawlessness to continue, will not leave crimes against nature and culture unpunished and, most importantly, humanism. After all, all war crimes, the destruction of nature and cultural monuments are, by and large, crimes against humanity, to which we all belong.
Sincerely, Anna Ibragimbekova, Director of the Maksud Ibragimbeyov Creativity Center.