We met with Andrei at the Hilton Baku hotel and, obviously, “pulled him out” from the strong and skilful hands of the newly created team of SkyGrill restaurant, located on the 25th floor of the Hilton Baku hotel. Andrei orders “delicious Azerbaijani tea” and admits that he does not eat sweet besides jams, from time to time!
For several days, Andrei has been managing the important process – he created a unique menu and now teaching a team of five chefs from the Arkady Novikov’s school. Chef Shmakov also collaborates with the Novikov’s school in Moscow with five local Baku chefs. “You will recognize me, I will be in cooking clothes”, he told us by telephone. We recognized him from the first minute and our conversation came out fun, informative and refreshing!

About Baku:
“It’s really very beautiful here. This is my second time in Baku. I plan to visit your city several times since this restaurant will operate in “pop-up” mode and demand my control. ”
“Pop-up restaurant is a facility that appears on a few days and then closes. One-day restaurants appeared in the 2000s in the Great Britain, Australia and the USA, but became especially popular later, when gourmets began to follow their favourite chefs and projects on Twitter and Instagram – that was how they could catch a new pop-up restaurant. “

About Green market:
“In the Green market, they also sell local truffle, even though its taste is different from the usual one. I was shown a date-plum with a slightly mouldy skin, but completely edible! I also took pictures of wild asparagus “bouquet”. I am delighted with Azerbaijani lemon. It will be part of the original dessert “Citrus”, which includes all the vivid species of the citrus family! ”

About Baku menu:
Chef Shmakov showed us the page
TAR TAR köök + bar – neobistro in the heart of Tallinn.
Here is what the chef says in his interview about such a nice and original place: “Neobistro or bistronomy is a combination of gastronomy and bistro.”
In other words, this place is beautiful, simple, tasty and affordable. Now it is popular in France. Young chefs who have worked in Michelin restaurants for a long time, are increasingly moving away from the concept of fine dining and open neobistro.

Photos of beautiful and at the same time seductive food are very interesting. But Tartarrr is especially striking!
© Gloss.ee
“For each tartar in the Tarter bistro, I came up with my own original name. There is, for example, Lappi Tartar (Finnish style), or Mimino (with adzhika!). But in Baku, will be served “Tartar Bulbuloglu.
Speaking of tartars, the chief chooses words as from a modern art glossary of terms. We are very impressed, we cannot ask what is so interesting will be included in the Baku tartar?
“Marinated wild garlic and barberries, they are a couple of spices and pickles loved by Baku people!”
We hope to find out about the rest of ingredients of this “singing” dish in the restaurant at dinner.

The fact that Sky Grill is a culinary art, and not just for “let’s go and eat,” can be understood by the tone of words selected by Andrei during his description of the next dish. For three months we will be pleased with the pop-up restaurant under the watchful eye of Andrei and his local team, which is almost ready for work and defence!
And we offer club members a quick dinner at the restaurant. But we will talk about this later.